The Solution to Restore Your Eyesight and See CLEARLY AGAIN Without wearing lens, eyeglasses or using eye drops
Solution to Restore Your Eyesight and See CLEARLY AGAIN Without wearing lens eyeglasses or using eye drops… You don’t have to go for EYE SURGERY anymore.
If you really want to see better without glasses and improve your eyesight, then you need to read this page to the end to see how I and 230 others used this natural remedy to improve our eyesight naturally and how you can get yours too.Dear Friend,
My Name is Sunday Adetunji, I’m one of those unlucky individuals who was born with weaker eyesight. My story, ordeal, trials, errors and eventual breakthrough to eye problem have inspired and already helped me and over 230 Men and Women See clearly and better without wearing eye glasses and using eye drops.
What if you could throw Your Glasses and eye drops away PERMANENTLY By the Time You Finish Reading This Page?
Imagine what your life would be like without the frustration of stumbling around the rest of your life anytime you’re without your glasses or using eye drops…
Imagine what your life would be like without the frustration of stumbling around the rest of your life anytime you’re without your glasses or using eye drops…
Wouldn’t you just love it, if you could see well again without glasses or using eye drops and spend your hard-earned money on better things?
Let face it, wearing eyeglasses and using eye drops can be uncomfortable and can complicate your life. If you’ve been using them for a while and think you’ll never be able to do without them, this could be the most eye-opening article you’ll ever read!
Here are a few questions for you:
●Has your vision become blurry?
●Are you not seeing as well as you used to?
●Does it feel as if there is something ‘wrong’ with your eyes?
●Are you worried about your vision deteriorating more and more?
●Finding it difficult to drive your car without glasses?
●Are you getting headaches or eyestrain from computer use?
●Has your child been told that they will need to wear glasses?
●Are you fed up with the high cost of eye drops?
●Do you waste so much money on eye glasses or eye drops or both?
●Are you dependent upon your eyeglasses or using eye drops to see?
●Have you considered lasik eye surgery but do you feel paralyzed by the fear of risks
and the unknown long-term effects of the operation?
●Are reading glasses becoming an essential tool for you?
●Do you want better vision without glasses?
●Are you not seeing as well as you used to?
●Does it feel as if there is something ‘wrong’ with your eyes?
●Are you worried about your vision deteriorating more and more?
●Finding it difficult to drive your car without glasses?
●Are you getting headaches or eyestrain from computer use?
●Has your child been told that they will need to wear glasses?
●Are you fed up with the high cost of eye drops?
●Do you waste so much money on eye glasses or eye drops or both?
●Are you dependent upon your eyeglasses or using eye drops to see?
●Have you considered lasik eye surgery but do you feel paralyzed by the fear of risks
and the unknown long-term effects of the operation?
●Are reading glasses becoming an essential tool for you?
●Do you want better vision without glasses?
…Then this page (website) is for you!
But before we delve deeper into my discoveries let’s…
“Listen To What Other People Have To Say…”
People write me all the time telling me how grateful they are to finally being able to escape their life-long dependency on glasses and eye drops…
What People Said After Using Forever Vision.
Testimony 1:
“I can now see clearly again without my glasses and don’t need the surgery!” “Thanks so much for sharing this product. I used to suffer from poor eyesight for years and wanted to have lasik eye surgery done, but I was too scared. I’m so glad I tried this product (forever vision) first. I can now see clearly
again without my glasses and don’t need the surgery!” Amina from Nassarawa.
Testimony 2:
“My son’s eyesight improved drastically and he can now see perfectly again…” “When I discovered my 8 year old son Mike suffered from near-sightedness, I got him to use the forever vision. After a few weeks his eyesight improved drastically and he can now see perfectly again. Mike and I are
so grateful.” Mr&Mrs. Okon Edumoh from Calabar.
Testimony 3:
“I gladly recommend this product to all my patients suffering from poor eyesight…” “These phenomenal eye supplement and proven remedy work on almost any patient. I applaud Sunday Adetunji for his extraordinary work in this field and gladly recommend this product to all my patients suffering from
poor eyesight.” Ijeoma(eye doctor) from Anambra
Testimony 4:
“Besides improved eyesight, I now enjoy a focused mind and increased levels of energy..” “FOREVER VISION works like a meditation to me. Taking the supplements really calms me down and gives me a serene sense of peace. Besides improved eyesight, I now enjoy a focused mind and increased levels of energy, health and enjoyment of life. I feel rejuvenated!” Tunde from Lagos.
Testimony 5:
“The TV picture has never seemed so clear…” “What a relief – I am so glad I stumbled across your site! The TV picture has never seemed so clear. I am now a bona-fide See Without Glasses convert – thank you! Thanks to forever vision. GOD BLESS YOU ADETUNJI. Pst, Matthew Ogidi from Owerri.
Testimony 6:
“I can now see the notes on the blackboard in the lecture hall clearly again!” “I must say I was very skeptical about your product but I thought that I would try it out as I could not make out my tutors notes on the blackboard in our lecture hall. I am now very glad that I did try forever vision as I can now see the notes clearly.” Jide from University of Uyo.
Testimony 7:
“I now enjoy 20/20 vision at age 45!” “I am so pleased with forever vision I received from you after 4days of ordering. I was a wary of purchasing it online and a bit skeptical about it really working, but it’s great! I now enjoy 20/20 vision at age 45. Thanks!” Sister Nneka from Benin.
Testimony 8:
“I never expected my eyesight would improve this fast…” “I’ve had the forever vision for 90 days now. My eyesight went from R-5.50 and L -6.00 to R-3.00 and L 3.50. I never expected my eyesight would improve this fast, after only 90 days of using the product! I haven’t been able to see this well in years. Even colors look brighter to me. I’ll keep at it, trying to get it back to 20/20, but
even if I don’t make that happen, I’m thrilled!” Steven from Abia.
Testimony 9:
“My eyes improved tremendously” “I have been following Sunday’s article on Naij and Vanguard so far. One faithful day, I decided to purchase it. Ever since, my eyes improved tremendously. I also recommended it to my mother and she quit wearing her glasses too. She used to have both near and farsightedness problems. She is also a strong determined woman that believes in our ability to heal without operations. I love FOREEVE VISION and I wish there was a way for the entire planet to buy !Grace from PH.
Testimony 10:
“I can’t thank you enough!” I had been thinking about purchasing the forever vision for a few weeks. My wife had told me to look into eye remedy to improve my vision. My progress was so fast i could see better only after a few days. I can’t thank you enough! Funke from Kwara State.
Testimony 11:
“I can see myself in the mirror!” I hated having to find my glasses first thing in the morning just to get ready for work. I had to put them on and take them off if I needed to put a sweater on it was so annoying! I was very frustrated so I purchased your product called forever vision and gave it a shot. Now although i’m nothing special to look at I can even see myself in the mirror without my glasses on! And I keep seeing improvements every day. Thanks so much Mr. Adetunji for sharing this product. Osinachi Emeka from Anambra.
Testimony 12:
“I wish I had of known about these forever vision earlier” I’m terrible at looking after my glasses, if I get a new pair they are broken or lost within a few months. Since I started using the forever vision, I have no need for my silly glasses any longer! I wish I had of known about these product earlier as it would have saved me thousands of naira. Thank you so much! Chike from Onitsha.
Testimony 13:
“Forever Vision has been used by some of my patients to great
success.” I would like to praise you for providing such a service to the public. Your home based vision therapy product has been used by some of my patients to great success. Because of this i have started recommending natural vision repair remedy as an option in my clinic.” Dr. Richard from Abuja.
Testimony 14:
“I can watch TV now without my glasses on!” Thank you so much for this product. I didn’t even know such methods existed and you made it really easy to put them into practice. I’m sure that one day soon my glasses will be gone forever! Chika from Lagos.
Testimony 15:
“Thank you for Sharing this ground-breaking product.” Forever Vision is simply jam-packed with great natural herbs for improving vision. Both my wife and I are using the product and can’t believe what a difference it’s making in our lives. Thank you! Chinedu from Anambra.
Testimony 16:
“Lasik surgery made my vision worse” About 1 year ago, i had surgery to correct my vision. I was one of the unlucky ones that actually had worse eyesight afterwards which as you can imagine was horrible. I have only been using your product for almost a month and already I am back to what I was like before my surgery. At this rate i should be able to see clearly within 90 days! Thank you so much! Steven from Anambra.
Testimony 17:
“Even my children are using your product now” We have a history of poor eyesight in our family. I started using the forever vision several weeks ago and have seen a dramatic improvement. Even my children are using your product now to improve their eyesight as they hate wearing glasses! Thank you Fatima from Kano.
Testimony 18:
“I no longer have to wear glasses constantly.” Thank you so much for helping me fix my eyes. I no longer have to wear glasses constantly and I can see what my teacher is writing on the white board without them! I am very happy that i don’t have to wear glasses to school! Blessing Udom from University of Calabar.
As you can see, these are regular people, just like you and me, who decided they wanted a glasses/eye drops-free life, took the plunge, and regained their 20/20 visions with the forever vision.
If Your Eyesight Was Good At Birth… What Made It Deteriorate Later?
Think of it: Most children before school age have good eyesight. They gradually lose it when pressure mounts in school from year to year. Many kids become short-sighted in their early teens. By the time we leave school, most of us have bad vision due to mental strain brought on by grueling pressure at school or in the family. Now almost all grown-ups in “civilized” countries have defective vision.
Some Teachers And Eye Doctors Proclaim That Visual Defects Are The Price You Have To Pay For Being Civilized And Educated…
Yet Nothing Could Be Further From The Truth!
The truth is you too can improve your eyesight. Almost everybody now has vision problems. Yet did you know that there is a proven product of improving your eyesight without the help of glasses, eye drops or surgery?
This product gets results with all types of poor vision and prevents common eye problems. It helps you see better at any age. It works even if your parents wear glasses, or if you have worn glasses or used eye drops for lots of years.
You’ve Got A Couple Of Choices Right Now…
Your first choice is glasses and eye drops; And these are an on-going EXPENSIVE cost! If you’re spending 50,000 Naira per pair every 6 months, that sums up to about 5M Naira over your lifetime! That’s a down payment on a new
house, or a couple of new cars! Not to mention the fact that glasses and eye drops do not fix your vision, but
worsen it. It’s like a temporary band-aid. One that you’re always tied to, being forced to NEED them for pretty much any kind of activity you do.
house, or a couple of new cars! Not to mention the fact that glasses and eye drops do not fix your vision, but
worsen it. It’s like a temporary band-aid. One that you’re always tied to, being forced to NEED them for pretty much any kind of activity you do.
Your next choice is laser eye surgery:
This isn’t a very cheap choice, either. The most recommended practitioners charge upwards of 500,000 Naira for the entire procedure, and don’t offer any guarantee that you won’t need your glasses and eye drops within a few months.
This isn’t a very cheap choice, either. The most recommended practitioners charge upwards of 500,000 Naira for the entire procedure, and don’t offer any guarantee that you won’t need your glasses and eye drops within a few months.
There have been countless reports that laser eye surgery solves the problem temporarily, with vision worsening quickly and to a HIGHER degree than before the surgery. Like a temporary band aid that makes you bleed more after it falls off.
And this isn’t including all of the reported common side effects of laser eye surgery. Dry, itching and tearing eyes. Difficulty of driving at night. Which results in a permanent solution: Not to mention the fact that it costs a tiny fraction of what a SINGLE pair if eye glasses and eye drops, not to mention an eye surgery, would cost.
Research Has Proven That Wearing Glasses And Contacts Will Destroy Your Vision Over Time!
You’re probably shocked that the very thing you thought was helping you with your eyesight is actually destroying it, slowly, year by year. Or, if you knew about this, you assumed that you had no alternative solution.
If These Eye Remedy Work So Well, Why Hasn’t Anyone INCLUDING My Optometrist Told Me About Them?” Well, the answer here is simple. Doctors profit from all sales of glasses and eye drops. Millions Of People Have Already Sharpened Their Visual And Mental Focus. Let Me Show You HOW You Too Can Activate Your Body’s Natural Healing Powers And How You Can Improve Your Eyesight Naturally!
Do you want to know my secret to perfect vision? Before I disclose it, I want you to know that this method applies to all types of visual defects, including:
This Natural Supplement works on the following conditions:
– Cataracts – cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision. Most cataracts are related to aging. Cataracts are very common in older people. By age 80, more than half have a cataract or have had cataract surgery.
– Cataracts – cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision. Most cataracts are related to aging. Cataracts are very common in older people. By age 80, more than half have a cataract or have had cataract surgery.
– Myopia – Nearsightedness, or myopia, as it is medically termed, is a vision condition in which close objects are seen clearly, but objects farther away appear blurred. Nearsightedness occurs if the eyeball is too long or the cornea, the clear front cover of the eye, has too much curvature. As a result, the light entering the eye isn’t focused correctly and distant objects look blurred.
– Glaucoma – is a condition that causes damage to your eye’s optic nerve and gets worse over time. It’s often associated with a buildup of pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma tends to be inherited and may not show up until later in life. The increased pressure, called intraocular pressure, can damage the optic nerve, which transmits images to the brain. If damage to the optic nerve from high eye pressure continues, glaucoma will cause permanent loss of vision. Without treatment, glaucoma can cause total permanent blindness within a few years.
– Diabetic Retinopathy – Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye disease and a leading cause of blindness in American adults. It is caused by changes in the blood vessels of the retina. In some people with diabetic retinopathy, blood vessels may swell and leak fluid. In other people, abnormal new blood vessels grow on the surface of the retina. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. A healthy retina is necessary for good vision. If you have diabetic retinopathy, at first you may not notice changes to your vision. But over time, diabetic retinopathy can get worse and cause vision loss. Diabetic retinopathy usually affects both eyes.
– Hyperopia (Far-Sightedness)
– Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)
– Cross-Eye (Strabismus)
– Eye strain
– Macular Degeneration
– Astigmatism
– Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight)
– Light Sensitivity
– Poor Night Vision
– “Old-age Sight” (presbyopia)
– Tension Headache
– Dyslexia
– Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)
– Cross-Eye (Strabismus)
– Eye strain
– Macular Degeneration
– Astigmatism
– Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight)
– Light Sensitivity
– Poor Night Vision
– “Old-age Sight” (presbyopia)
– Tension Headache
– Dyslexia
If you are suffering from any of the above eye conditions, then you would benefit from what I have to show you. Whether you are wearing glasses already or your eyesight is getting worse and you think you may need glasses in the future…
Here’s The Natural Remedy to Improve Eyesight Naturally I’m Talking About. Introducing…
Forever Vision is a good supplement for eye.
This is the Original Forever Vision™;it is a dietary supplement with bilberry, lutein and zeaxanthin, plus super antioxidants and other nutrients. Bilberry, a popular traditional herb, can support normal eyesight and improve circulation to the eyes.
Lutein, a common carotenoid found in many vegetables and fruits, can help protect the retina. Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin are other carotenoids that are important to the eye’s macular health.
Our vision is a precious sense, and one that we should not take for granted.
While we may supplement our diets with nutrients to enhance our overall well-being, we tend to overlook our eyesight as a necessary part of our health to maintain.
With just 2 tablets per day, Forever Vision™ is an easy way to help you keep looking clearly into the future!
Instructions for use:
Instructions for use:
Take two tablets daily as a dietary supplement.
Benefit of Forever Vision.
– Maintain optical clarity
– Prevent ocular toxicity
– Improve and increases visual acuity
– Improve blood circulation of the eye
– Nourishes the eye with all useful nutrient
– Improve blurred vision, glaucoma, cataract and night blindness
– Prevent ocular toxicity
– Improve and increases visual acuity
– Improve blood circulation of the eye
– Nourishes the eye with all useful nutrient
– Improve blurred vision, glaucoma, cataract and night blindness
PLEASE NOTE: This product is not sold in any Store and this product is far different from any other one you might see elsewhere on the internet (THIS IS THE ORIGINAL FOREVER VISION).
The others you might have seen for a cheaper
Some of this product are Fake and are being sold at a cheaper price. Do yourself good today. Do not be deceived by cheaper price. THIS IS THE ORIGINAL FOREVER VISION.
In fact, I was able to get this product for 50 USD in USA for each, which is 50USD x 400/$ = 20,000 Naira for each and the shipping fee to Nigeria is not included.
Though, I won’t charge that much. I’m approaching 37 now, so I still want the whole world to know about my unique, life-changing discovery.
Here’s what FOREVER VISION Can Do To Help You:
– Improve and perfect your eyesight so that you don’t need your “readers” nearby every single time you need to read the newspaper, a report, a book, or a document.
– Strengthen your eyes and focal muscles, eliminating the painful burning sensation in your eyes at the end of every single day.
– Use a computer or watch TV without pain and suffering anytime, anywhere, and as long as you want.
– Improve ALL aspects of your vision. Whether you’re nearsighted or farsighted, the condition can be cured! See road signs from far away, watch a movie, play catch or read a book with just a lamp on, without stressing about carrying your glasses around everywhere!
– Start your day comfortably, without worrying about taking half an hour to pop your uncomfortable contacts in, or scrambling to find your glasses.
– Save THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of dollars. I can’t stress enough how expensive glasses and eye drops are getting nowadays, and the prices just keep INCREASING. If you spend 20,000 Naira – 100,000 Naira a year on glasses and eye
drops, imagine how much money you’d have to spend on things like vacations and luxuries over the 40-50 years you have to KEEP buying them!
drops, imagine how much money you’d have to spend on things like vacations and luxuries over the 40-50 years you have to KEEP buying them!
Tens of Thousands Of People Have Corrected Their Vision Naturally With This Product. And I haven’t heard from a single person who tried this product, and didn’t see improvements. Because it just works!
It’s like picking up a brand new set of eye balls!
So please, stop wasting money on expensive eyeglasses and eye drops, or contemplating dangerous laser eye surgery, and grab FOREVER VISION SUPPLEMENT without ANY risk whatsoever. Because if you’re unhappy with it for any reason, I’ll send you a refund, no questions asked!
Of course, when you start USING this FOREVER VISION and AFTER 90 DAYS you can’t see any significant RESULTS, Notify US and your Money will be refunded to your bank account.
So what’re you waiting for?
This is the best possible investment that you can make for your health, your life, and your well-being. Begin healing your eyes naturally and permanently NOW.
This is the best possible investment that you can make for your health, your life, and your well-being. Begin healing your eyes naturally and permanently NOW.
Now, I know you can’t wait to lay your hands on this GUARANTEED solutions…
I bought 500 pieces, now I’m left with JUST 305 pieces!
And it’s Up to you to grab it today or risk never getting this amazing solution forever. As
I don’t plan to import more of this package due to the High rate of dollars, so I’m sorry for you if you leave this page without placing your order.
So how can you get it? Here is How to Get Forever Vision that I and many others used…
1 Month Treatment Pack:
60 Tablets – 2tabs daily
(1 Bottle) = 18,000 Naira
60 Tablets – 2tabs daily
(1 Bottle) = 18,000 Naira
2 Months Treatment Pack:
120 Tablets – 2tabs daily
(2 Bottles) = 32,000 Naira
120 Tablets – 2tabs daily
(2 Bottles) = 32,000 Naira
3 Months Treatment Pack:
180 Tablets – 2tabs daily
(3 Bottles) = 42,000 Naira
180 Tablets – 2tabs daily
(3 Bottles) = 42,000 Naira
100% safe, no side effect…and gives a lasting result.
As you can see above, if we are to calculate the normal cost of the 1 Month Treatment (1 Bottle) the 2 months treatment and the 3 month treatment, the cost is more than the discount price. That’s not a big money for those who know what it means to have been going through this. I can recall i spent N49, 500 on a product that didn’t give me desired result.
This definitely gives result!
You will only have to pay;
1 Month Treatment (1 Bottle) = N18, 000
2 Months Treatment (2 Bottles) = N32, 000
3 Months Treatment (3 Bottles) = N42, 000
2 Months Treatment (2 Bottles) = N32, 000
3 Months Treatment (3 Bottles) = N42, 000
Delivery is FREE & it’s Payment on Delivery.
Is This Approved And Legal To Use? Absolutely, Aside from the fact that this is approved by NAFDAC itself, it has also been approved by various agencies round the world including the Kosher Seal which is the highest form of approval in the world that any product can have.
So you need to hurry, act fast, place order and get this solutions right now…
No Need To Fear If This is real or Not because…You only pay when the product has been brought to you face to face by our courier company within 2-4 days after placing your order. And secondly, we do not charge you any extra fee for delivery (shipment), we bring it down to your doorsteps anywhere you live in Nigeria at no extra cost – WE CALL These, FREE DELIVERY AND YOU PAY ON DELIVERY.
Here’s How to Order your own Forever Vision at a Discount Price today
How to Place Your Order Now!
Hurry Up & place your order like this…
Send a Text Message (SMS) to => 09056338089 <= with the below details:
* Item Name: (Forever Vision, The number of bottle(s) you’re ordering e.g Forever Vision 3 Bottles)
* Your Full Name
* Your Phone Number (Provide 2 numbers if available)
* Full Address (Home or Office, we deliver to anywhere you want) Send Text Message (SMS) to this number ==> 09056338089
NOTE: Your address Must Include Local Government and State. Detailed Enough to make it traceable by our courier company that will come around to deliver to you.
Once, we received your details to place an order through text message (SMS), and your details are correct, you will receive sms confirmation from us. Your products will then be sent to our courier service partner (the delivery company we use to deliver products).
You receive it within 2-4 business days… and pay the dispatch person upon delivery.
For orders in Lagos, expect your item to get to you within 1 – 2 days, once your order has been confirmed and shipped out. While for orders outside Lagos, depending on the state/city, you will receive your items within 2 – 5 working days.
How to Make Payment:
You don’t have to pay before you order, just send your details to place an order. Once, the delivery agent calls you to deliver and the product gets to you. You collect the product and give the money to him. He will remit it to the company’s account.
Option 2:
If you live in Lagos or nearby, you can also walk into our courier (delivery) department office to pick up the products. You will meet our team ready to give you these products at same price…That is, you Pay at our office, and get it instantly. Lagos Address: Suit 25B Aoose Shopping Complex Alakija by Festac 3rd gate, Lagos.
If you live in Lagos or nearby, you can also walk into our courier (delivery) department office to pick up the products. You will meet our team ready to give you these products at same price…That is, you Pay at our office, and get it instantly. Lagos Address: Suit 25B Aoose Shopping Complex Alakija by Festac 3rd gate, Lagos.
We do not have any office except the Lagos address but if you live anywhere in Nigeria,
JUST send your details to place an order, we will still deliver the product to you.
JUST send your details to place an order, we will still deliver the product to you.
P.S: Forever Vision is the natural remedy you need to recover your eyesight within 90days, without expensive and dangerous surgery. You can finally throw away your glasses and never have to worry about eye drops again. You can live a perfectly care-free life with crystal-clear natural vision.
P.SS: Don’t forget that I take ALL THE RISK by giving you an entire 90 days to try this product out and SEE the improvements in your vision! If you don’t see the results you want, write back to me for a quick and easy refund. There’s no risk on your part!
What are you waiting for?
Hurry Up & place your order like this…
Hurry Up & place your order like this…
Send a Text Message (SMS) to => 09056338089<= with the below details:
* Item Name: (Forever Vision, The number of bottle(s) you’re ordering e.g Forever Vision 3 Bottles)
* Your Full Name
* Your Phone Number (Provide 2 numbers if available)
* Full Address (Home or Office, we deliver to anywhere you want) Send Text Message (SMS) to this number ==> 09056338089
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